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Hypnotic Tango (My Mine)    twitter 

Stock in my seat can't move no way the other guys knows the game to play
I'm watchin' her
I'm watchin' me
I'm gettin' brave

Take him apart say listen to me.
Look on the floor and all is spinning round

Someone told me this was just a dance

And take a chance ain't met before
Do you think I really have a chance?
Hypnotic tango

Rough diamond he smiles
She looks at him

Ain't gonna be
No story in love

Take me to the dance
Floor by the hand

Give me this night
In a foreign land.
Look on the floor
And all is spinning round

Look on the floor
And all is spinning round


Look on the floor
And all is spinning round

Look on the floor
And all is sinning round

 - Hypnotic Tango

Variétés - Infos
Interprète : My Mine

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans cette adaptation étrange et post-moderne du Magicien d'Oz, une reine a deux filles. Toutes deux partent en quête de la pierre d'émeraude qui plongera à jamais leur monde dans la lumière ou l'obscurité? De quelle série s'agit-il ?
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