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Variétés - Stay (Eternal)    twitter 

Stay [x3]

Stay baby
Stay, come on darling now
Stay, you know I want you back
Stay with me tonight
Come on won't you stay
Stay, oh
Stay with me

It seems I have the strangest dream
I'm dreaming that you are gonna leave me
I wake up and I find it's true
What will I do without you?
I don't know, I don't know
Just what it takes to get to you
I don't know, I don't know
Baby I'll be true if only you

Baby though I made you cry
Baby don't you say goodbye
Baby look me in my eye
Stay with me tonight

Come on baby

Baby though I made you cry
Baby don't you say goodbye
Won't you stay

They say that love will come and go
But your love's indispensible to me
I really wanna be with you
What are we gonna do boy
I don't know, I don't know
Just what it takes to get to you
I don't know, I don't know
Baby I'll be true if only you

Baby though I made you cry
Baby don't you say goodbye
Baby look me in my eye
Stay with me tonight

Even though I told you lies
Baby give me one more try
Stay with me

Come on baby
Won't you, won't you
Why don't you stay
Why don't you stay

Come on, come on, come on and stay
Come on, come on, come on and stay
Stay with me tonight

Oh, oh, oh
I want you to stay
Baby though I made you cry
Baby don't you say goodbye
Stay with me tonight
Come on baby
Made you cry
You don't have to say goodbye

 - Stay

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1993
Album : Always and forever
Origine : Angleterre
Interprète : Eternal
Compositeur : Bob Khouzouri/Mark Stevens

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Des montagnes, un vieux trappeur, un ours, un âne, un indien, un homme injustement accusé de meurtre ... voilà le cadre d'une série champêtre pleine de charme et de naturel mais quel est son nom ?
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