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Variétés - Down in Mexico (The Coasters)    twitter 

Down in Mexicali
There's a crazy little place that I know
Where the drinks are hotter than the chili sauce
And the boss is a cat named Joe

He wears a red bandana
Plays a blues piana
(In a honky-tonk, down in Mexico)
He wears a purple sash, and a black moustache
(In a honky-tonk, down in Mexico)

Well, the first time that I saw him
He was sittin' on a piano stool
I said "Tell me dad, when does the fun begin ?"
He just winked his eye and said "Man, be cool !"

He wears a red bandana
Plays a blues piana
(In a honky-tonk, down in Mexico)
He wears a purple sash, and a black moustache
(In a honky-tonk, down in Mexico)

In Mexico !
All of a sudden in walks this chick
In Mexico !
Joe starts playing on a Latin kick
In Mexico !
Around her waist she wore three fishnets
In Mexico !
She started dancin' with the castanets
In Mexico !
I didn't know just what to expect
In Mexico !
She threw her arms around my neck
In Mexico !
We started dancin' all around the floor
In Mexico !
And then she did a dance I never saw before !

So if you're south of the border
I mean down in Mexico
And you wanna get straight, man
Don't hesitate !
Just look up a cat named Joe.

He wears a red bandana
Plays a blues piana
( a honky-tonk, down in Mexico)
He wears a purple sash, and a black moustache
In a honky-tonk, down in Mexico)

(solo parlé de Carl Gardner)
"Yeah, como esta usted senorita ?
Hey !Come with me to Mexico City !
Ah ! You can get your kicks in Mexico !
Ah ah ah ! Crazy !
Come with me baby ! Come with me !
...... together !
Come with me senorita !"

 - Down in Mexico

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1956
Album : The Coasters
Film : Boulevard de la Mort/Death Proof
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : The Coasters
Compositeur : Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller

Liens d'intérêt

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans la série "Raising Hope", Lucy Carlyle la tueuse en série et mère de Hope lui avait donné un tout autre nom au départ, lequel ?
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