le player de génériques

- Get the power (Roze)    twitter 

Life, as if the life was a construction
Where everything should be planned
Leaving no room for improvisation

All should be reflected
Thought and calculated
To satisfy your thirst of perfection
(Perfection... Perfection... Perfection...)

You're trying to have control over something
You've not created
You're thinking that fate and chance are nothing
Just things invented

Time, all the time you spend thinking
To any kind of detail
That will lead you to nothing
For supposedly a better life
Where everything would be nice
But for which you will forget to live
(To live... To live... To live...)

You're trying to have control over something
You've not created
You're thinking that fate and chance are nothing
Just things invented

That's life that created you
And not the other
You can't change the color
You can't get the power too
That's gift from the sky
Like everything in it
You've got to enjoy your time
And what's around you

 - Get the power

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2018
Album : Q&A
Origine : France
Interprète : Roze
Compositeur : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer

Fiche ajoutée par Blondie.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Nous sommes en 1910. Je suis un inventeur américain et je vis en Angleterre. Mon "associé" est journaliste et écrivain. Mes géniales inventions nous causent bien des soucis. Nous sommes poursuivis par la pègre, des traficants, et tout un tas de gens peu recommendables. Nous sommes ?
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