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Variétés - When the rain begins to fall (Jermaine Jackson et Pia Zadora)    twitter 

Like the sand can seep right through your fingers so can all your day
As those days go by you'll have me there to help you find the way.
The way I feel with you I know it's got to last forever.
And when the rain begins to fall
you'll ride my rainbow in the sky
And I will catch you if you fall
you'll never have to ask me why.
And when the rain begins to fall I'll be the sunshine in your life
You know that we can have it all and everything will be allright.

Time goes by so fast
You've got to have a dream
To just hold on.
All my dreams of love began
With the reality of you.
You and I believe
That all our dreams will last forever.

And when the rain begins to fall
you'll ride my rainbow in the sky
And I will catch you if you fall
you'll never have to ask me why.
And when the rain begins to fall I'll be the sunshine in your life
You know that we can have it all and everything will be allright.

Though the sun may hide
We still can see
The light that shines for you and me

We'll be together all that we can be.

And when the rain begins to fall
you'll ride my rainbow in the sky
And I will catch you if you fall
you'll never have to ask me why.
And when the rain begins to fall I'll be the sunshine in your life
You know that we can have it all and everything will be allright

And when the rain begins to fall
you'll ride my rainbow in the sky
And I will catch you if you fall
you'll never have to ask me why.
And when the rain begins to fall I'll be the sunshine in your life
You know that we can have it all and everything will be allright

 - When the rain begins to fall

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1984
Album : Voyage of the Rock Aliens Extended Soundtrack
Origine : ETATS UNIS
Interprète : Jermaine Jackson et Pia Zadora
Compositeur : Steve Wittmack

Fiche ajoutée par sebseiya.
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  En 1564 Nostradamus a prédit la destruction de la terre en trois vagues. La première a commencé mais moi Cade Foster je me dresse devant l'envahisseur et tente de les repousser. Quelle est cette série ?
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