le player de génériques

- Beds are burning (Midnight Oil)    twitter 

Out where the river broke
The bloodwood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty five degrees

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

The time has come to say fairs fair
to pay the rent, now to pay our share

Four wheels scare the cockatoos
From Kintore East to Yuendemu
The western desert lives and breathes
In forty five degrees

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

The time has come to say fair's fair
To pay the rent, now to pay our share
The time has come, a fact's a fact
It belongs to them, we're gonna give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

 - Beds are burning

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1987
Album : diesel and dust
Origine : Australie
Interprète : Midnight Oil

Fiche ajoutée par sebseiya.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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  Déménager, changer de ville, de département, de région...C'est chose courante ! Mais dans quelle série voit on un village entier changer de Pays ?
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